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What is Edu 2.0?

EDU 2.0 was introduced by the Egyptian MoETE in August 2017. The reform's primary objectives focus on transitioning the education system away from rote memorization and surface-level learning, and towards an education system that promotes critical thinking, knowledge-based inquiry, and lifelong learning (Saavedra, 2019 ).

What is Edu 2.0 & how will it impact Egypt?

The reform's strategic objectives include increasing access to pre-primary education, improving the quality of the K-12 education system in line with international standards, and advancing Egypt's ranking internationally. EDU 2.0 is planned to be implemented in phases between 2018 and 2030.

What is the difference between education 2.0 and education 3?

Education 3.0 is also ab creators, and constructivi E ducation 3.0 is based on this understanding - a personalized, self- Cs of Education 2.0. N determined education (Figure 7.5). Education 3.0 is self-determined, being a self-determined l• interest-based learning where problem-solving, innovation, and creativity the educator.

What is Education 2.0 Conference?

The Education 2.0 Conference is one such platform wherein they update their existing knowledge. Being apprised of the advancements in education is a step in the right direction for government officials. The insights gleaned and networks built at our education event can be leveraged to bring about promising educational reforms.

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